
Tremendous Financial Blessings Comes To All Who Give As Much

Today we use 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and 5:1-8, to explain how faith works for finances: (4:18) “…we do NOT look at the things which are seen, but (we DO look) at the things which are unseen….” And (5:7), “For we walk by faith, and NOT by sight.”

In finances, God commands us NOT to look at what is seen or what we have, but rather to look at what God’s word says we already have, which is made clear in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, where God’s people were asked to cheerfully, liberally, and willingly, give offerings for the needy saints in the Judean churches, assuring them in 8:9 although Jesus was exceedingly rich, yet He gave up everything, so He would become poor, and we by His poverty, could become rich (toward God—a primary prepositional phrase meaning, reaching or entering—Luke 12:13-21).

That is very strong scriptural faith for financial giving on the promises of God, for God says in 9:6-15, tremendous financial blessings comes to all who give as much as the Holy Spirit asks.

Faith-giving is not something we do simply to become rich (1 Timothy 6:10), but something we do because we have allowed God to change our heart, our compassionate love for Him and others, so our first thought is give God a tenth (tithe) of all our increase, for the advancement of the gospel from our local church, plus another tenth (offering), for the local church or denomination to help those in need locally, nationally, and world missions outreach.

This is fully explained in 2 Corinthians 9:8-11, where God says our love-giving of tithes and offerings causes us and those helped to give God bountiful thanks for His faithfulness, both to us and to those in need now, who can help us if and when we are in need.

Malachi 3:8-10, explains how we ROB God when we refuse to give tithes and offerings—“steal” means to take another’s property when they are absent, but “rob” means to forcefully take another’s property when they are present—but we also ROB both us and others of God’s bountiful blessings, He wants us and them to receive from giving God tithes and offerings.

When we cheerfully, liberally, lovingly, and willing give God His tithes and our free-will offerings, everybody involved wins, but when we refuse to give God His tithes and our offerings, everybody involved loses, and this is why Malachi 3:9 says we “are cursed with a curse” when we ROB God, others, and ourselves of God’s intended blessings.

Do not look at finances we do NOT yet physically see, because God in 2 Corinthians 9:8 says we already have an abundance of finances to keep every good work going that pleases God.

When God blesses us financially, He expects His tithe and our offering, to advance the gospel and help those in need, so always be faithful with generous, joyous giving, and know God will again give to us so we can give again, to keep the love-giving-helping cycle going.

God never intends us to give tithes and offerings for the profit of leaders or to get rich, but for His glory and honor in advancing His kingdom of saving and caring for others.

If we would not even consider robbing a bank, then why even think of robbing God of His tithes and our free-will offerings, for this robs us and many others of God’s special blessings?

God does not need “our” money, but we do need God’s blessings!

Jim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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