
Satan’s Sweet Lies Destroy Our Mind

This message is a warning “not to buy anything on devil street”, for Matthew 4:1-11 and Revelation 12:1-17 explain who Satan, the devil, is and what he has to sell, and 1 Peter 5:1-11 explains how Satan, the devil, the serpent of old, the fiery red dragon, constantly looks for anyone he can persuade to buy (accept) what he has to capture us and lead us away from Christ.

Genesis 37:5-11 explains how the seventeen-year-old Joseph, son of Jacob (whose name God changed to Israel in Genesis 32:22-28), was given prophetic dreams from God concerning his future leadership in God’s plan, purpose, and timing to save Jacob’s (Israel’s) descendants when seven-years of plenty and seven-years of famine came on all that region; likewise, Isaiah 59:19-21, explains how God blesses His people during the seven-year tribulation period that is coming.

Satan, the devil, constantly, if allowed, will fill our minds with aches, pains, symptoms of some kind of sickness, kidney and bladder infection, bowel syndrome, strong lust, anger, depression, fear, or some other of his lies, believing we will accept his lying symptoms as truth, so he can dump his whole load of deceptive lies on us, hoping we will blame it on God and Christ, so our anger toward the Godhead becomes a permanent wedge between us.

We have to be, as 1 Corinthians 6:15-17 says, before we fully understand from Mark 8:27-33, how easily we can turn from experiencing a special revelation from the Holy Spirit, to become a spokesperson for Satan, the devil, yet it can even happen in church.

Jesus, the resurrected Christ, was, and is the only perfect Person to ever be on earth; thus, we will at times misunderstand what God is revealing to us, and we will think, say, and do what is from Satan, the devil, but as soon as we recognize this does not agree with the infallible Scriptures, it must be repented of and immediately corrected to agree with God’s word.

Once I was preaching and explaining Acts 16:6-18, but instead of saying, “Paul ‘cast’ the demon out of the woman”, I said, “Paul ‘cussed’ the demon out of the women”, but I did not catch my error. As soon as the service ended, the people approached me laughingly exposing my error, so they replayed that part of the sermon to expose my mistake; thus, that recording was destroyed, but those priceless people jokingly at times asked if any demons would be “cussed” out today? And some receiving this post may remember that laughing occasion, proving our mistakes in life can become a means of greater friendship memories if we allow it to be such.

In these scripture verses, we not only see how at times the Holy Spirit blocks or forbids us to do what we believe is God’s will, but we also see Satan, the devil, appearing as “an angel of light”, speaking through one of his “known deceptive liars”, honors us and God’s ministry through us, which happens when our phone or computer is “hacked” and someone uses our name to post something evil, so everyone that does not know us personally believes we sent the “ungodly” post, we know nothing about.

I suppose all of you are just as openly at seeing what happened in Scripture is the same today as it was then, for John 11:45-57, after Lazarus’ resurrection from death, reveals the exact same desire to keep their office of control the evil priests had over the people, is the same today, with our government officials’ desire to keep their office of control over the American people. But now, just as then, Christ is moving on earth in a mighty way, getting ready to establish His superiority; thus, this is the time to believe God’s word and put our faith and trust in the God whose word we believe.

Even though it appeared the earthly authority and power was in the Romans and temple priests, yet God spoke His will through Caiaphas, the chief high priest, for Jesus would die so the entire Jewish nation could become Christians, and for every Christian that would come out of every nation in the world; therefore, the Creator of the universe that was in control then, is still in control, and always will be.

God rightly deserves all our faith, glory, honor, obedience, trust, praise, thanks, and worship, for who He is, wat He has done, is doing, and will do; therefore, believe and obey Him and His word.

Tim, Kim, and Jim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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