The Holy Spirit, speaking though the Apostle John says, in John 16:25-33, Jesus speaks very plainly in stating He came from Father God, and a time yet to come, Christians will no longer ask Jesus for anything, but whatever we ask the Father, in Jesus’ name (Colossians 3:17), we will receive, for then Jesus explains how and why His promise will happen: Because Jesus, by the stripes He took for our healing and health; by dying on the cross He fully paid our debt of sin, sin’s guilt, and sin’s power over us (1 Corinthians 15:50-58); therefore, by Jesus completely paying our total indebtedness, He completely, totally, and forever, overcame the world for us (the Bible uses “world” as the world-system, totally independent of , and in total opposition to God in every way, for the “worldly-minded” go their own way with their own ideology).
And since Jesus, the resurrected Christ, paid humanity’s complete, total, and eternal sin, sickness, and disease indebtedness, so Father God could forgive us (Luke 23:33-35), and so by the Father’s forgiveness, Jesus overcame the world for us; therefore, the Holy Spirit, again speaking through the Apostle John says, in 1 John 5:1-5, whoever will choose to believe Jesus is the Christ, is born of God, or becomes God’s child, with the Holy Spirit’s power, love, and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7),
to obey God—Father, Son, Holy Spirit—and to understand by our faith, we receive from Jesus the living word (Hebrews 12:2; John 1:1-18; Psalm 107:20), and the Bible, the written word (John 6:60-68; Romans 10:17); thus, by our faith in our Lord Jesus, the resurrected Christ, having already overcome the world for us, then our faith in His overcoming the world, is how Christians, members of Christ’s body, the church, keep the world overcome.
Judges 21:25 says when Israel did not have an honest, godly king, people did what to them was right. Proverbs 12:15 says a fool’s ways are to him right, but to be wise is to obey wise counsel. And Proverbs 21:2 says people are always right in our own thinking, in what we choose to believe, even though much reliable proof shows we are totally wrong.
Therefore, what we believe may be totally wrong, but saving-faith (1 John 5:1; Romans 10:8-13)); result-faith (Mark 5: synagogue ruler’s daughter and woman with flow of blood), and daily -lifestyle-faith (John 16:25-33; Mark 11:22-26; 1 John 5:1-15, 18-21), have Jesus Christ, the living word and the Bible, the written word as Christianity’s authority and power.
Because Christianity is a PERSON, not a religion, a denomination, or group of bible believers; because Christianity is a PERSON: Christ, the Head of His body, the worldwide church (Ephesians 1:15-23; 5:22-33); therefore, the members of Christ’s body trust or have faith in Christ our Head, to do what is best for the total PERSON (Christianity), so faith and trust are coequal, for we believe God’s word and place our faith in the God whose word we believe.
In 1 John 2:1-14, the Holy Spirit speaks through the Apostle John by showing it is possible for new-born Christians to sin by hating people, but He assures us Christ, the Head, of His body, the church, which every born-again Christian is a member (1 John 5:1), will correct us, enable us to confess our sin to Him, receive His forgiveness, stop the sinning, and be changed by obeying His directions, for the only way for us to know Christ Jesus, is to know God’s word, and the only way for us to know God’s word, is to know Christ Jesus, and thankfully we have Christ the Head of His body, the church worldwide, through the Holy Spirit, to explain it all to us.
Knowing Jesus through the word and knowing the word by knowing Jesus is what Revelation 1:1-3 calls “The Revelation (disclosure or revealing) of Jesus Christ”, which God gave Him, so John could witness or explain Jesus, the living word of God, as a testimony to the churches.
Since using the written word to reveal who Jesus Christ is, then Revelation 19:1-10, reveals Christ and His bride, His body, the church, at the Marriage Supper, with Christ the Lamb being worshiped, for He says “the testimony (the word’s evidence) of Jesus is the SPIRIT of prophesy”.
Again Revelation 22:12-19, shows how Jesus reveals Himself to the seven Asian churches, and calls all the revealing of who Jesus is, “the words of the prophesy of this book” (verse 18), and “the words of the book of this prophesy” (verse 19); so “the spirit of prophesy” is knowing and explaining who Jesus is by knowing God’s word, for God’s word reveals who Jesus is; thus, explaining Jesus by explaining bible passages, is the spirit of prophetic spoken and/or written.
In 1 John 2:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, the Holy Spirit says, the world in total opposition to God, is swiftly passing away, along with all who lust for the flesh, lust for what the eyes see, and pride themselves in life’s ultimate pleasures, which is misusing how God intended this world to be used; thus, when earthly possessions and desires (Matthew 6:24-25; 19:16-26), of whatever kind, mean more to us than a close, intimate, sweet, peaceful relationship with Jesus Christ, it is of the world and total opposition to God, His word, and His will, and must be rejected and disowned in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17), for it has become sin.
When God’s word tells us to resist, reject, and do not allow something in opposition to God, His word, and His will (2 Corinthians 10:1-5), He does not mean for us to physically do this, but in our human spirit, soul, and body, by our faith in Jesus Christ; our mind fully focused on Him, by the Holy Spirit’s power, love, and sound mind, and in all the authority and power of our Lord Jesus Christ’s name, denounce, disown, and refuse to allow the satanic spirits to place their will above God’s will, for we claim and only allow God’s will to be done and not Satan’s will.
Christians, members of Christ’s body, the church, with Christ our Head, should never accept anything Satan and his wicked forces try to make us accept by his fear-tactics of something evil happening to us if we, in Jesus’ name, refuse to accept his deceptive, destructive lies, he spreads daily, on any device he can use to promote his demonic spirit of fear, worry, and acceptance.
We believe God’s word, and we put our faith and trust in the God whose word we believe.
Jim Nabors