Every miracle, all mountain-moving faith, first begins in the natural realm and is materialized or received in the spiritual realm, for the spiritual is never first, because the natural is always first, because everything dealing with human beings must begin in the natural us, and then move into the spiritual person inside this human body.
This wise and wonderful truth is learned from 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, because Adam, the first man was human made of dust or dirt; thus, sin entered a human being made from the dirt of this world; whereas, the Lord, the last Adam, was from heaven. The first Adam was head of the world family, but the Lord, the Man from heavenly, was head of His body, the church worldwide.
Every miracle, all mountain-moving faith must first begin in the natural, with us never praying for what God’s written world says we already have, but with praise, thanks, and worship to God for what His word says we already have, for Ephesians 1:3-14 and 2 Peter 1:2-4 tell us we already have all of God’s promises, so all we need do is claim and thank God for making them real to us.
Therefore, since we have already been given all God’s promises, we simply need to begin in the natural of praising, thanking, and worshiping God, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit for what He has already made available to us, so we can receive what is promised.
First Corinthians 2:6-16 explains the difference in natural knowledge and natural wisdom, as opposed to spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom, for the natural mind understands natural matters but it does not understand spiritual matters; whereas, the spiritual mind understands both natural matters as well as spiritual matters; therefore, it will take the spiritual mind to understand what is going to be explained, but it must begin with the natural mind and move into the spiritual.
Until the Holy Spirit explains Scripture-truth to our spiritual mind, we can only know the natural side of Scripture, but not the truth or heart of Scripture, for the Holy Spirit must explain one truth in one Scripture with truths from other Scriptures, such as is happening now.
We know this scriptural truth from Romans 8:12-17, because when anyone thinks they are saved, receive salvation, the forgiveness of sins, and become a new creation, a legal, born-again child of God, simply by repeating words from “the sinner’s prayer”, Scripture says they are not saved until they have the conformation from the Holy Spirit, they are children of God. Thus, we begin in the natural by asking and thanking God for giving us Christ Jesus as Lord, Master, Owner, to forgive our sins and make us members of His body, the church, and we do this until we feel the Holy Spirit confirming our deliverance from the kingdom of darkness and new-birth into the kingdom of light.
Mark 5:25-34 is the story of a woman who had for twelve years endured a menstrual flow of blood, and was by Old Testament Law, physically impure, unclean, and forbidden to touch anyone or be in a crowd of people, other than those unclean as she was; but she had a life-or-death situation, no natural doctor could cure; therefore, in her mind, she planned how she would get to Jesus, believing if she could not legally touch Jesus, she could at least touch His clothes and become healed and no one would know she had broken the law, so she followed through with her devised mental plan, but when she touched Jesus’ clothes, suddenly she was overcome with spiritual power, or “powerful faith she could feel”, although she did not know that spiritual power, we call the anointing, came directly from Jesus, for He felt the same “powerful faith she felt go from Him into her”; thus, verse 32 says Jesus looked around to see “her” who had done this thing.
The noun “affliction” means something that causes intense suffering, which we know Satan, the devil, uses against humanity, and especially against anyone drawn to the Lord, but in most cases, it is the intense suffering that brings us to the Lord, for we know only He can help us.
Whatever you need from God, begin praising, thanking, and worshiping Him for it, for Mark 11:22-24 says we must have faith in God to do what His word promises, so by believing we already have what we need, we will get it, when “the power comes out of God into us”, which is “faith we can feel”, or an “anointing of knowledge as the Holy Spirit explains the Scriptures to us”, as we understand from 1 John 2:18-27.
As the Lord teaches us all things and abides in us, we continue to praise, thank, and worship Him, claiming His promises, and waiting for His power to come out of Him into us, to do what we have asked of Him, for we know these are the last hours of the last days, so we must know what the Holly Spirit knows and will teach us about coming events, as John 16:5-15 reveals.
The Holy Spirit wants all God’s children to know what and why we face problems and what His plans are for us to learn as we go through those problems, for Christ has already gone through all the problems we face, without sinning, so He wants to lead us through life, while explaining things to us, and in these last hours of the last days, we need the Lord’s guided instructions—His anointing, His power from Him into us, as we read in Ephesians 3:20-21.
God works mightily according to or in agreement with, the power we allow Him to work in us, for when we open ourselves completely to Him, by praise, thanks, and worship, allowing Him to explain Scripture to us, then obeying His teachings, we go from the natural to the spiritual.
Jim Nabors