
Satan’s Conhorts This World

Knowing the word “who” is a pronoun, yet when “WHO” is the “World Health Organization”, it is a noun, making us wonder “ if WHO plans to control the world, by controlling our health? and the answer is, “Yes”; for their plans include disarming people of all nations, for guns are a health hazard; control the climate, for unstable climate is a health hazard; control our diet, for Bill Gates’ laboratory produced “meats” will be cheaper and healthier than animal meats (pray it is not aborted baby-parts); medicine is a health risk, so WHO determines if or not we get medicine.

Allow me to use John 5:31-47 and John 6:60-71 in a different way to show it is Christ we are to believe and not WHO (World Health Organization), for WHO does not know or believe Christ, yet WHO is now drawing up international rules to force the “steal, kill, destroy” (John 10:10) desires of their financial contributors; Bill Gates being their number one personal contributor, a group of companies being their biggest contributors.

The pronoun “who” appears in John 5:31-47 four times, showing us “who” we should believe, and the answer is Christ and not “WHO”, for “WHO” plans to persuade or force us to abandon Christ and quietly and submissively obey them or starve to death, for this is what WHO has already done in countries they now rule. For all who disobey them, have their money, food, water, housing, medicine, and any help removed, so they slowly starve to death.

The pronoun “who” appears in John 6:60-71 six times, revealing “who” would disbelieve Jesus, the resurrected Christ, IS the necessary, sustaining Bread and Juice His body, the church needs to get in Him and remain in Him, when “WHO”, Bill Gates, and Biden plan to either totally control us or destroy us, but they forget 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 says, Christ now sits on heaven’s throne to rule until He casts all His enemies into the lake of fire, and then all rule goes to Father God.

The biblical question of “who” is on Christ’s side, members of Christ’s body, the church worldwide, and “WHO” is not on Christ’s side, not members of Christ’s body, the church, even though their destructive, satanic rule is to be worldwide, so pray they receive Christ soon.

From Liberty Council’s investigations and court hearings, both Bush presidents, Obama, and Biden gave power to WHO by calling it “Agreement” and not “Treaty”; thus, bypassing the Senate’s two-third majority vote needed to legalize any Treaty between America and another nation. Trump got us out of WHO, but Biden immediately put us back in WHO, by changing “Treaty” to “Agreement”, so by simply signing this “executive order”, will give “WHO” complete control of American guns, land, water, health, medical, and other needs, yet all presidents knew the “Constitution” requires a two-third majority vote in the Senate, before a “Treaty” or “Agreement” is legal, but they know their “Executive Order” will also be legal and binding.

In agreement with Proverbs 24:30-34, America is already controlled by the “China-controlled WHO that sent the coronavirus to America”, proving we have not been doing the watching Jesus commanded of us in Mark 13:3-13, but it is not too late to watch, pray, and let our voices be heard.

In agreement with all the “revivals” breaking out in various colleges, churches, and nations around the world, this might be the starting of Isaiah 11:6-10 and Habakkuk 2:9-14, spreading the knowledge and glory of the Lord, in the same way water covers the sea.

In agreement with Habakkuk 2:13, “Behold, is it not of the Lord of hosts the peoples labor to feed the fire, and nations weary themselves in vain”? It is rumored some people in Washington, D.C. use aborted baby parts to heat their houses; thus, proving Scripture is more than just the generational truth of Jesus’ life on earth, His resurrection, ascension, and soon coming for His bride-body-church, for the Bible is to all, “forever settled in heaven, truth”, as says Psalm 119:89.

Yet, all these Scriptures have been in the Bible since the writing of the Old and New Testament and because we have not been forced to study the “WHO-problem”, to know what God says about it, it has not until now been a priority, but now it is an emergency, so we search God’s mind, the Scriptures, for answers, and God’s word warns us “WHO” does not believe Him, but plans to do away with God’s word and all who believe His word and totally submit to Him and His control.

We read in the Bible how to live healthy, happy, and with a long, satisfied life in Christ Jesus, our Peace and Rest, so we are free from the satanic spirit of fear, torment, and trauma.

Ephesians 2:11-18 not only reveals Christ our Peace but also reveals Christ the Head of His body, containing both Christian Israelites and Christian Gentiles; thus, making one body.

The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 2:11-18 reveals Christ is our Peace, and Matthew 11:25-30 reveals Christ is our Rest, with whom Christian Jews and Christian Gentiles are connected in Christ’s body, the church, because we are all one in Christ Jesus.

It is amazing how Isaiah 50:4-9 is a perfect word-picture of the destruction planned for Christians in this present end time, for when “WHO” condemns the church, Christ is always there to help in our time of need, but if He does not, then He will guide us through the devastation, so either way we totally trust our Lord, Creator, Owner, and Provider.

If we were to capitalize all the “who” pronouns in Isaiah 50:4-9, we would know “WHO”, Satan’s cohorts, have been fighting with Christ Jesus since time began, but since his time is short, Christ’s special enemy “WHO”, now comes out to end Christ’s work on earth through His body, the church, but this is not what God says in His word in Matthew 16:18.

First Thessalonians 4:13-18 shows this is not the time to fear, worry, or be traumatized by what this administration and “WHO” are planning, for every detail of this was already part of Christ’s plan, purpose, and timing, for part of His body, the church will still be here when He comes to midair to call us to come up were He is, to be forever with Hi, so earnestly pray, pray, pray..

Jim Nabors

(Help support Liberty Council in their investigations and litigations against WHO.)

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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