
More Faith Less Reasoning

Jesus, in John 5:1-47 and 9:1-41, gives contrasting stories to show us how the absolute truth of God’s word is made null and void by our human reasoning, yet even when we read these true stories, we willingly avoid Jesus’ explanation of our daily human reasoning negating the truth of God’s word, for we always place our reasoning above God’s truth, so we have an excuse for disbelieving God’s truth, His word.

Jesus, in John 5:1-47, tells of the infirmed man of thirty-eight years, when Jesus, God’s healing and health, truthfully asked him if he wanted to be made well, but He only received the man’s reasoning of why he could never be healed, yet Jesus ordered him to rise, take up his bed and walk, which was done on the Sabbath, and was prohibited by the money and power loving Jewish leaders, so their “reasoning” so infuriated them, they decided to kill Jesus because He did this on the Sabbath, so Jesus explained but they refused His explanation, because of their willingly, false, selfish, reasoning.

Jesus, in John 9:1-41, tells of a man born blind, whom Jesus’ disciples wanted to know if his blindness was caused by his or his parents’ sins, but Jesus said his blindness was not caused by his or his parent’s sin, but so Jesus could heal him, for God’s glory and honor, so people would want to worship Jesus. The Pharisees, however, refused to believe Jesus, God’s healer and health, was holy and righteous, for since Jesus healed him on the Sabbath, they “reasoned” Jesus had to be a sinner: therefore, the now seeing man, “reasoned” he knew only God could open blind eyes, so it proved Jesus was not a sinner, so they asked his parents if he were born blind and now sees, but from fear of being expelled from the synagogue, his parents “reasoned” their son was born blind, but did not know how his sight was restored, so they simply told them he was grown and could answer for himself, which even more infuriated the disbelieving Pharisees, so they again interrogated the healed man, but constantly his “reasoning was, they, like him, should become a disciple of Jesus.

Therefore, in John 9:35-41, Jesus exposes true blindness is not causes by blind eyes, but by blind, dark, disbelieving, false reasoning, because we absolutely refuse to accept, believe, or live in agreement with God’s truth, His spoken and written word; thus, we “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” as we learn from Romans 1:18-32, for God makes His truth known to everyone in every generation, but most refuse God’s truth by “suppressing” it with their willful, self-imposed, false reasoning; whereas, they could have used their “reasoning” to believe, obey, and live in agreement with the truth of God’s word, which is so much better, easier, and profitable.

We, though, never understand, except to “reason” they give in to Satan’s will, believe his lies, and feel living his way gives them more control over people than “reasoning and living” God’s way, so we live in agreement with God’s truth, and let them live in agreement with their “reasoning” to live their way, in agreement with the devil’s rebellion.

Less “reasoning” and more “believing truth” will place “faith” in “miracle expectation and receiving” (John 8:31-36), for Christ Jesus, who is “Truth” (John 14:6) that frees us.

Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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