James 2:13 seems contradictory, for it says God’s “Mercy triumphs over (His) judgment”. But how is this possible, when God is totally just and total mercy—this is what God is—two of His many attributes?
God is all just; therefore, God must judge all sin, yet God is also all mercy, but He cannot allow the mercy part of Him to change the just part of Him—without a mediator (reconciler, one who restores a broken relationship).
Thus God must have someone to take humanity’s judgment and punishment for all our sins, and this Mediator, restorer of the broken relationship between God and humanity was and still is Jesus Christ, God’s dear, clean, pure, spotless Son, my Lord Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5-6).
Our Lord Jesus, the resurrected Christ, by His crucifixion, burial, resurrection, ascension, and eternal life, restored the broken relationship between God and humanity, sin had separated.
Now our just God can legally and morally give us mercy, even when He must postpone our judgment, willing rather for us to repent, change our ways, submit to His will, and obey Him and His word, so we constantly enjoy a close, intimate, sweet, peaceful relationship with Him.
Everything I have written is included in the noun “Easter”, for it is the “beginning” of what is totally new and free (2 Corinthians 5:17-21; 1 Corinthians 2:12), God provided for our enjoyment in Christ Jesus our Mediator, Lord, Master, and Faithful, Caring Owner.
But Revelation 13:8 says, Jesus being our Mediator to die for our sins, was in God’s eternal plan already accomplished, long before He ever created anything—omnipresent God!
Believe God’s word, but put your faith in the God, Whose word you believe.
Jim Nabors