
Living A Life Of Pure Truth In An Impure World

Jesus, in John 15:1-8, says without Him we cannot do anything but burn eternally; yet with Him, He through us, can do everything He already had planned before creation, for every detail of life has a specific purpose, and a preset time to begin and end.

Jesus goes on to say, in John 15:9-17, if we obey Him, then we remain in His love the same way He obeyed Father God and remains in His love; thus, loving God and all people He created, proves we have His pure love, for He chose to cover the world with love through Christins, members of His body, the church worldwide, and Jesus calls this process “fruit bearing”.

Jesus, in John 15:18-27, explains how He spoke pure truth when He was on earth and those who did not accept or understand pure truth hated Him without cause; thus, when He speaks pure truth through members of His body, the worldwide church, we will also be hated; not for exposing sin, but for thinking, speaking, and obediently living a life of pure truth.

Our Lord Jesus, the resurrected “Lord Christ” (Acts 2:36; Colossians 3:23-24), who 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 says, now sits on heaven’s throne judging every detail of God’s creation, will reign in victory until He has conquered all creation, by placing everything under God’s authority and rule; then “Lord Christ” will give the eternal reign back to Father God.

When He promises in Hebrews 13:5-6, to always be present in every detail of life, those who believe, trust, and obey Him are permitted to feel His presence, and those who refuse to believe, trust, and obey Him, are only permitted to feel His conviction, His convincing and guilt feeling for their sin of refusing Him, who is pure truth.

Since Lord Christ sits as Judge on heaven’s throne, nothing escapes Him, for Romans 11:33 and Colossians 2:3, assure us all knowledge and wisdom are in Him; thus, He always judges in pure unarguable truth, which if we understand this pure truth, we will obey and trust Him.

That Jesus, the risen Lord Christ, is the reality of faith working through love (Galatians 5:6), by which we are saved, and firmly stand on scriptural facts, as we learn from John 15:1-11, for John 15:12-19 warns us not to believe anyone claiming Jesus, the Lord Christ, did NOT resurrect from the grave, for this lie is from Satan, the devil, and not from God, the Creator and Resurrection.

The crucified Lord Jesus, when resurrected became the Lord Christ, proving faith in God has eternal rewards, because this is the foundation of Christianity; without the faith to believe and accept the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lord Christ, Christianity is worthless, nonexistent, but since Jesus’ death and resurrection, the Lord Christ, the Head of His body, the church, is able to do for, in, and through Christians who think, speak, and live pure truth, what is impossible for us, but possible through Him, as Ephesians 3:14-21 says.

Tim, Kim, and Jim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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