All day Jesus was teaching by parables, in Mark 4:1-34, and then at evening, in Mark 4:35-41, the exhausted Jesus, asleep in the boat, with His faithless disciples during the storm in which Jesus was asleep, because they were crossing to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes, so Jesus could cast out some 2, 000 demons from the man in the cemetery, cutting himself.
After this, in Mark 5:21-43, Jesus and His disciples crossed back over the sea, so Jesus could resurrect Jairus’ daughter from death, and forever stop the woman’s twelve-year flow of blood.
All this is to teach us Jesus is never too busy or too tired to cross all barriers to meet our needs.
After going and doing all this, in Mark 6:1-6, Jesus went to His own country, followed by His disciples, but as was His habit of being in the synagogue each Sabbath, He was there teaching scriptural truths far beyond their understanding or desire to learn, so they were offended, because none of them saw Jesus’ value: His supernatural love, knowledge, wisdom, and power to do necessary miracles, but only His place in His earthly family, which to them was valueless. His habit of being in the synagogue each Sabbath was probably how He and Jairus knew each other, and how Matthew and Mark knew Jairus, but Luke, a Gentile, could only go a short distance into the synagogue, so he heard the services through the Gentile waiting room speakers (lol).
The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 5:14-17, confessed he had previously viewed, known, and valued Jesus, the resurrected Christ, through eyes of flesh, but once Paul, in Acts 9:1-25, had a personal encounter with Jesus, the Christ, he then saw, knew, and valued Jesus, the Christ, through spiritual eyes, as we will after we have our personal encounter with Jesus, the resurrected Christ.
When our second son, Tim, who calls me every week-day morning, so we can tell each other what biblical truths Holy Spirit has revealed to us since our last conversation; thus, I write our discussions, either as sermons or FB posts, only because Tim does not have the time. But our last FB post only took two hours to write and proofread, but when I tried to send it to Tim for him to proofread, add to or take from, I could not find it. I programmed my computer to find it, but the computer showed it was no longer on the computer. Two hours to write and only two minutes to somehow delete it.
Heartbroken, I texted Tim about our loss, then spent three hours in repentant prayer, asking the Lord to forgive me for losing what He had given us, and then turning it all over to Jesus, I just began praising, thanking, and worshiping Him, until the FB post was of no longer a concern. When a very strong supernatural peace possessed me, the Lord told me to “try this”, and I did what I thought He was telling me, but it did not work; thus, the Lord never “scolds” me by saying “No”! “Try this”, He simply said, “Try this”, and I did what I knew He was telling me (although I had never done this before), but immediately the FB post popped up on the computer. Then I went through all the steps until I knew it was securely saved, and then I sent it to Tim for his approval and proofreading.
The Lord’s plan, purpose, and timing of all this was for me to experience what I had just written in that FB post, because in these writings our precious Lord Jesus, the Lord Christ, had allowed me to see, know, and value Him, first through biblically, fleshly eyes, and then through biblically, spiritual eyes. I knew then as I have always known: There is nothing comparable to being in the Lord’s sweet, peaceful, controllable, teachable presence, and He lets us live there, if it is our choice.
By experience, I have learned by what He allows me to go through, daily living in His sweet presence of perfect peace is far better than anything I have ever experienced in almost 86 years.
Jim and Tim Nabors