This post reveals the importance of women, who as mothers, teach their children how to live on earth the way God designed them to live; therefore, know it was a woman, a mother, who taught God how to live on earth, for 1 Timothy 3:16 is a word-picture of Jesus, God in the flesh, whom Mary, His earthly mother, taught how to live on earth.
Mary, a woman, Jesus’ mother, taught Jesus, God in the flesh, how to eat from her breast, sit alone, crawl, pull-up, stand alone, say His first words, and even though He was God, or Love, yet she taught Him how to love family and playmates.
God did not come to earth as the Conquering King Israel believed would come to overthrow Roman cruelty and set Israel free, so they, through Him could rule the world, but instead God came as a newborn Baby, virgin-birthed by a young mother named Mary, who lovingly, caring, and kindly taught Jesus, God in the flesh, how to live the Jewish life on earth.
Simply by doing things His way, for His purpose, at His timing, God placed the supreme highest value on women: daughters, and mothers, for God trusted no one else to properly care for Him in His formative years on earth.
We know from the account in Luke 2:22-52, when Jesus was taken to Jerusalem, but then not found among His family and friends, while on their way home from Jerusalem, not knowing Jesus, God in the flesh, had stayed at Jerusalem, listening to and questioning the priestly teachers of Scripture, Mary, His earthly mother, asked Him why He had stayed behind, so He asked her why she had looked for Him, knowing He had to be doing His Father’s business; therefore, since Joseph was a carpenter, then Jesus had to be talking about His heavenly Father, whose written word Jesus was discussing with these teachers of the Jewish scrolls.
Thus, we understand Jesus was thanking His mother for all her years of godly training, but now it was time to be taught by His Father in heaven, as we learn from studying Hebrews 5:1-14.
It just seems ridiculous a woman’s value when teaching God in the flesh how to live on earth, yet she does not have enough value to be a credentialed minister to preach and teach God’s word, when Galatians 3:19-29 says, in Jesus Christ we are all equal, for none are slaves, free, male, or female, then why are men preachers so jealous of women preachers, for both are equal in Jesus?
Jealous men preachers will allow women to “teach boys and men”, or “speak before an audience of boys and men”, but not “preach” to boys and men, yet a licensed wife and mother taught these jealous men everything they learned in their formative years. Jealousy put Jesus on the cross.
When boys and men went off to war, women: daughters, wives, and mothers, stayed behind to teach and train the younger children, work the farms and businesses, provide for the family, and keep the churches going through finances, prayer, teaching God’s word, and living obedient to what they had read, preached, taught, and thoroughly explained to all who came to listen.
It was the same with valueless women with black skin, who were not allowed to vote or eat with men who had valuable white skin, yet both were human beings created and loved by the same God.
If the color of a person’s skin and whether they are female of male does not matter with God. then none of that should matter to us, for the Creator-Owner-God has the authority and power to. call into His pastoral service whomever He desires, and the only thing He requires of us is to learn His choice, watch their lifestyle, and legalize their calling with ministerial credentials, that must be annually renewed, so everyone knows they are still in humble obedience to God and His word.
Ladies, if you feel God calling you to preach, pastor, or be a missionary, but your church will not allow it, then investigate a denomination that sees the value in women to proclaim Jesus to all.
Each of the signees are credentialed ministers, whose entire lives have been in biblical ministry., who publish these posts biweekly.
Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors