
Humility Overcomes In Everyway

Soon there will arise a national and then a world ruler, but before it happens, there must be world tracking systems (AI—artificial intelligence: cameras, drones, vaccines), and a moneyless society (imbedded chips in hand or forehead—Revelation 14:9-10), and we see this quickly approaching, which frightens some people, yet we fail to see or do not want to see how God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit, intently yearns to help members of Christ’s body, the church, but our desire for money, power and recognition, instead of humility, stops Him.

A careful reading of James 4 reveals 5 ways humility overcome pride—the insecure desire for money, power and recognition (Acts 5:1-5): 1) verse 7—submit to God—humble our entire being to God’s will, 2) verse 7—resist the devil—refuse the desire for money, power and recognition, 3) verse 8—draw close to God—resist the devil’s temptation for power, recognition, and wealth, 4) verse 8—cleanse our hands—do not participate in protest or rebellion of any kind, to harm, hurt, or destroy, and 5) verse 8—purify our heart (human spirit)—allow the Holy Spirit admittance into every area of our being, to do whatever it takes to humble us, so we are empty of self and full of God, to receive His grace by faith (Romans 5:1-2; Ephesians 3:14-21).

For years legislators have positioned themselves for America’s downfall. We have criticized and spoke evil of them, but most have not intently prayed, so the Holy Spirit can intercede for them to be humbled before God, repent, receive Jesus Christ, be baptized into the Holy Spirit, and legislate God’s will instead of Satan’s will. It is not too late to pray, pray, pray God’s will.

God’s will is not for Christ’s body, the church, to criticize or expose people’s faults (sins). God wills for His church to reveal Him, sin’s solution, which is believe His word, pray, humble our hearts, repent, and enjoy a close, intimate, peaceful, sweet relationship with Him, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. This is and always has been God’s plan for the world.

God has an intense love for the people He created, still owns, and still controls by His perfect love (2 Corinthians 5:14), and although it appears God is not in complete control, yet He is, always has been, and will continue to be, for He is God, knowing the end from the beginning.

God’s word, the Bible, proves He is always in complete control; otherwise, we would not see God selling Israel into slavery, for their sins (read Judges), or be seeing Scripture daily unfold on a global scale, but those whose lives are absorbed in God’s sweet presence, watch with awesome praise, thanks, and worship to God for His complete control, as His word becomes fulfilled daily, for we joyfully trust our faithful Father who we know is in complete control of everything—of every tiny detail of everything.

God will only allow the coming world ruler to do according to His predetermined plan, because the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3, and one hundred, forty-four thousand Jews of Revelation 7; twelve thousand from each tribe, except the tribe of Dan, will travel the land preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing many to God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit.

Never be afraid or ashamed to trust the God whose word we believe, obey, and proclaim, for we are privileged to be part of these “end times” God so sweetly knew was coming, and planned for us to experience and witness, so be joyously thankful, by loving and obeying Him.

Jim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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