
Satan Truth Is Always deceitfulness

By examining Romans 7:13-25, the Apostle Paul’s brief struggle between his desire to do good, yet doing what he desired not to do, was probably because Paul lied to himself, as we all do, for as soon as Paul “thought” to do good, sin dwelling or living in him, blocked it, so Paul could only do what he did not want to do, which should sound as familiar to us as our name, for it happens to us on a regular basis—we just do not recognize it as “lying to ourself”.

Lying spirits are what we now face in the “LGBTQ, with the “Q” incorporating some 500 sexual paraphilias or practices, and this is all explained in Revelation 17:1-19:21, for in Washington, D.C., it is called the “Equality Act”, but in reality, is the “All sex sins legally enforced.”

Whenever we firmly set our emotions, mind, and will to be honest regardless of the cost, the sin of “self-preservation” (a noun meaning “safeguarding of oneself from harm or destruction), begins bringing the soul—emotion, mind, will—into satanic control by a “lying spirit”, so we lie to ourselves, and do not do what we previously desired to do—we already know this lying spirit.

Every true Christian, knowledgeable of our “heirship” with God and Christ, the way Romans 8:12-17 describes, would never “intentionally lie, by intentionally falsifying our word”, but we do not understand the “unconscious lie we tell ourselves, by unconsciously falsifying what we tell ourselves we will do or not do”; this does not appear as “a satanic lying spirit in us, yet it is”.

Jesus, in Matthew 16:21-23, appears to openly rebuke Simon Peter, for telling Jesus the lie the devil told Peter, trying to prohibit Jesus from obeying Father God, but Jesus recognized the satanic lie, and instead openly rebuked Satan, the father or originator of all lies (John 8:44).

Matthew 16:21-23—21 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests, scribes, be killed, and be raised the third day. 22 Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” 23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

There are probably many times our Lord rebukes Satan and his lying spirits working on our emotion, mind, and will, so we lie to ourselves, and then instead of doing what we desire to do because it is in agreement with God and His word, we instead listen to the satanic lying spirit and do what the satanic forces deceive us into doing what we know is not the right thing to do.

In Matthew 4:1-11, during Jesus being tempted by Satan, when He hungered after forty days of fasting, the “places” Satan took Jesus—onto the pinnacle (extreme top corner) of the temple in Jerusalem, and on an exceedingly high mountain—were probably “mental deceptive lies”, he thought Jesus would “believe were real” and “permit” Satan to deceive Jesus into worshipping him, but Jesus was not deceived, and spoke God’s written word that Jesus obeyed, to destroy the deceptive lies of Satan, and it still does for us what God intends His word to do (Isaiah 55:8-11).

The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:1-21, first tells his being “caught up into the third heaven, where he heard inexpressible words not lawful to tell”, and because of this Paul, in trying to explain he was far more interested in those at the church at Corinth, than were the false prophets, who were lying to them, by degrading Paul and his Christian “truth”; thus, the Lord had Satan, the devil, to send “a buffeting spirit” (the noun “buffet” means to strike hard blows with the fist); therefore, the Lord was “prohibiting” Paul from the sin of prideful “exaggeration”, as he explained his God-given missionary (apostleship), to begin churches where sinners became Christians, when taught the truth of God’s word, which Paul was called to do.

The satanic lying spirits (1 Kings 22:1-40) cannot be satisfied until they are “permitted” to lie to or through someone; therefore, these lying spirits try first to deceive Christians to “permit or allow” them to become a lying spirit, either to us or to someone else, through us, for the devil knows the deceptive sin of lying destroys the person’s credibility and negates their effectiveness.

Revelation 21:8 is still in the Bible, 8 “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death”. The lake of fire is an eternal liquid fire.

Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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