The Apostle Paul, in Romans 7, briefly struggled with the law of sin warring inside him against the law of God, until the Holy Spirit showed Christ Jesus ended that war and is now our Peace and Deliverer.
Romans 10:1-13 is Paul’s explanation of Crist Jesus, God’s righteousness, or the righteousness of faith, as opposed to our own righteousness, or righteousness that is of the law, because verses 4-10 say, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes, but Moses wrote about the righteousness of the law, or being right with God by obeying the law, but the righteousness of faith is simply believing and confessing, or prophesying to ourselves that Christ Jesus is our righteousness (our only way to be right with God), as 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 says, because Romans 10:10 says, we believe unto righteousness, being right with God through Jesus Christ, and by confessing or prophesying to ourselves Jesus Christ is our salvation, as Luke 2:25-30 says; therefore our Lord Jesus Christ is both our Savior and Salvation, our total Completeness, as Colossians 2:8-10 says; thus, strict obedience to every detail of law is foolish.
Jesus, the resurrected Christ, says in John 5:39-40, we diligently search through the Scriptures trying to find a scripture passage that will assure us of eternal life (eternal salvation), but Jesus says this is refusing to come to Him, who is Salvation and Eternal Life (Luke 2:25-30; 1 John 5:11-13)—Christ Jesus, our Lord, Master, Creator, Owner, Savior, Salvation, and Completeness, is all we need in this life and the life to come, so give all to Him, so He can give His all to you.
God’s written word, the Bible, the Scriptures, is pure truth, yet everything in it is not true, for it is true Satan, the devil, speaks lies, but it is true he did say these things, and it is true Jesus used illustrations or parables that were not true to explain some of His teachings, but it is true He tells us when He is using a parable, or illustration, to explain some truth, we might not otherwise understand, such as Luke 13:6-9, to illustrate fruit trees must be planted in an orchard, where the soil is right for producing fruit, instead of in a vineyard, where the soil is right for producing grapes, and Luke 18:1-8, where His parable illustrates praying about a necessary need until God answers our prayer—and not giving up until the answer comes, for it will if we believe and pray with determining faith.
We unnecessarily struggle with addictions, diseases, sickness, pain, suffering, and traumas, God, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, can and will eradicate when we give them to Him, confessing or prophesying to ourself, in agreement with Ephesians 2:13-14, “Lord Jesus, I am thankful You are Peace I can feel, so nothing I face gets me fearful or worried, for I know You already have this in Your plan, purpose, timing, and will for my good, because You love me, and I love and thank You for it” (or use the wording you can believe), but let the Lord Jesus Christ deal with it instead of you.
Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors