
God Plans Are The Same In Every Generation

This post in the series from Matthew 8:28-34, 9:18-28; Mark 5:1-43, 6:1-6, and Luke 8:26-56, shows each tiny detail of these stories were already in God’s plan, purpose, and timing; before He created anything, and time began. Every detail was already planned to happen the way it did, the exact same way every detail of everything in life was planned to happen the way and time it does. God’s plan, purpose, and timing for everything is to bring us to Jesus so He can show us how to overcome everything through Him, our perfect peace in every detail of every situation.

Psalm 33:8-12 very firmly guarantees God’s words are steadfast forever, His plans are the same in every generation, and He makes people’s plans meaningless, for He rules supreme, by making people’s plans work with His purpose and timing, so trust His plans, purpose, and timing.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 assure us every tiny detail of God’s plans have specific purpose, and exact timing, so every detail of the universe is always perfectly united in God’s plan, purpose, and timing.

Psalm, 139:13-16 also assures us every single detail of each of our lives was already written in our personal book, and cannot be changed; thus, Revelation 20:11-15, says when each individual book is opened, alongside the Book of Life, each of us will be judged according to what is written in our personal book; therefore, since every tiny detail of everything was already recorded before time began, the names of those who would truly obey and serve God, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, were already written in the Book of Life, so nothing can be added or deleted.

What, then, are we supposed to do on a daily basis, if God eternally decided every detail about everything before He ever created anything, if prayer does not change what is already planned?

Ephesians 5:15-21 commands us to thank God FOR everything, both the good and bad, and 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 commands us to be thankful while going through everything, rejoicing in prayer, praise, and worshipful trust, for all this was already included in God’s plan, purpose, and timing for everything before anything was ever created. The adjective “included” means “part of the results”. God already looked from the beginning of time to the ending of time and knew every inclusion, before He designed His unchangeable plan, purpose, and timing for every detail of life.

Every prayer, every act of faith, every praise, every appreciative thanks, every worshipful trust, and every Scripture heard, learned, or read that helps us learn who Jesus is and how He works, was already included into Jesus’ plan, purpose, and timing; thus, everything from time beginning until time ending was already included as part of His every detail of created life.

Although we honestly mean well when praying earnestly for some need, asking God to do it right now, but forgetting God already has that included in His plan, purpose, and timing, yet we are so sure this “faith-prayer” is so essentially necessary, surely God knows we need an answer NOW, and this might be “the miracle-factor” Jesus is waiting on to completely change everything, for nothing could keep Jesus from leaving one side of the sea, going to the other side of the sea to cast out 2,000 demons from “a certain man”; then going back to the other side of the sea, so He could heal the woman with the twelve-year issue of blood, and resurrect Jairus’ “sleeping” little girl. Every tiny detail in each of these stories had to blend in perfect harmony, so Jesus could be at the right place at the right time, to carry out His plan, purpose, and timing for each of these miracles.

An open-minded reading of Ephesians 1:3-14 and 2:1-22 allows us to understand these truths, but Ephesians 3:1-21 seems to both open our understanding of God’s love and humbles us at the same time, for there is no greater love, joy, and His sweet presence than just worshiping the Lord through praise, thanks, and trust, waiting to see how we will be blessed by His plan, purpose, and timing. This is Christmas all year with God’s anticipated surprises. “Lord Jesus, surprise us”.

Jim and Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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