Jesus says, in John 10:1-21, He is salvation’s door, life, sin’s forgiver, to resurrect with our abundance of life, but the enemy [Satan, the devil], cannot create, give life, or control death and life; he can only steal, kill, and destroy as God commands him.
Never blame God for anything, but give God credit for everything.
Satan cannot create, only God can. Satan, the devil (d evil 1), did not create COVID – 19, and he does not heal those with this virus who get well, God does it!
God did not make COVID – 19, moonshine, or cigarettes, but God did make seeds: corn, tobacco, and others. People make deadly things from God’s seeds and their plants, yet God uses these for His glory and honor, because God created, still owns, and still controls His creation.
So, do not blame God for anything, but give God credit for everything.
People quote 2 Chronicles 7:14, of what to do WHEN God acts, but they fail to quote verse 13, of WHY God acts, for God says He withholds rain, commands locust to devour the land, and sends pestilence among His people, for refusing to obey, thank, and worship Him.
The noun “pestilence” (also in Psalm 91:3; Matthew 24:7), means “destroying plague”, “a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating”— COVID – 19.
Whatever corrective situations God chooses to use has a specific purpose, beginning, and ending, designed to bring us to Him, so we believe, obey, thank, worship, and trust everything to His planned purpose and timing (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11).
Never blame God for anything, but give God credit for everything—trust Him.
Locus plagues (Joel 2), are also in the news, but overshadowed by this virulent epidemic, God is using against those scheming for the downfall of Christian anointed leadership.
The “ national call to prayer” we received is definitely God’s plan to stop this plague, HUMBLE us so we repent of our sins, obey God, and live only for Him.
Yes, God disciplines with very strong corrective love to get our attention, wanting us to make wise choices rather than foolish ones, and to humble those who oppose His will.
Christ Jesus mediates between God’s just and love, to bring us to God through Him.
Jim Nabors