
Everything Is Settled At The Cross

In our short lifetime we have heard innumerable teachings from Hebrews 11:1-3 that explain how God-given faith, as opposed to wishful-thinking, must always have a solid, feelable substance and unquestionable evidence, as proof it is from God, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, for this is how people in every generation understood God’s spiritually understood written word, as explained in 1 Corinthians 2:1-16.

We only know the Bible, God’s Holy Spirit inspired written word, is true because we have within us the unquestionable witness of the Holy Spirit that we are a Christian, God’s child, His legal heir, and our sins are forgiven, just as Romans 8:12-17 says; thus, we do not question our salvation.

The exact same principle applies to the unquestionable evidence Jesus has baptized un into the Holy Spirit, according to what John the Baptizer (Baptist) says about Jesus, in Matthew 3:11-12 and Acts 10:44-48, where the Apostle Peter knew the Gentile believers at Cornelius’ house had been baptized by Jesus into the Holy Spirit, because the unquestionable evidence of it was the Jews that came with Peter heard them speak in tongues or in languages they had never learned; thus, these Gentiles and Jews had unquestionable proof Jesus had literally baptized them into the Holy Spirit, and now Peter was going to also baptize them into water.

Naturally we are immediately puzzled that the Apostle Peter already said and demonstrated after his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2:36-39, repentance or confessing we need Jesus the Savior, then salvation, water baptism, and then being baptized into the Holy Spirit, but in Acts 10:44-48 the Gentiles while Peter was still preaching, were baptized into the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues or in languages they had never learned, and then were baptized into water, from which we understand God can change people’s order of doctrine and traditional rules whenever He chooses, but people do not have the authority or power to change God’s doctrine, arrangement of things, or add to or take from His written word that Psalm 119:89 says, “is forever settled (unchangeable) in heaven”.

Since Romans 14:23 warns us, if we have doubts about anything we eat, drink, do, or say, then we sin because none of these things are done from a life of faith, because Hebrews 11:5-6 says God took Enoch to heaven because his faith pleased God; thus, it is impossible to please God without faith that is free of doubt of any kind.

This is why totally trusting God with every detail of life takes the faith once for all delivered to the saints, as Jude 1:3 says, but then by praying in the Holy Spirit (His languages) as Jude 1:20 says, so our faith become most holy, and then by keeping ourselves in the love of God, as Jude 1:21 and 1 John 4:7-21 say, we can both experience and witness many unquestionable miracles.

True Salvation, Luke 2:25-32 says, is Jesus, the resurrected Christ, coming to live inside us, witnessed by Romans 8:12-17, of the Holy Spirit witness; Jesus baptizing us into the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit not only coming to live with us but also inside us, we know from John 13:15-18, and from Acts 1:4-8, we know the Holy Spirit also empowers us to make Jesus known in some way to others, the same way the Lord designs these FB posts to do that we send out each Tuesday afternoon and Saturday morning, which He gives us to write several months before they are sent out. Give the Lord praise for them and thank Him for allowing you to read and obey what He tells us to write and send to you, for this is God’s word and not our opinion.

Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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