Romans 5:1-5 explains how Christians are justified (made innocent, or delivered from sin) by faith, so we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we also have access (get into) grace by faith to firmly stand, so we will glory (rejoice) in hope (confident expectation); thus, we rejoice during tribulations, knowing they produce patience, character, and more rejoicing, for the Holy Spirit places God’s love in us, so we can praise, thank, and worship our Lord, during the good and bad things we face in everyday living.
Romans 5:6-11 is why we rejoice during our tribulations, for Christ Jesus is our Peace (Ephesians 2:11-18), for He died to take away our sins, while we were still sinning, so we could be justified (as if we never sinned), for God took the wrath (anger against and punishment for sin) on Himself, through Jesus Christ, so His blood would eradicate our sins, and gave us His righteousness (right standing with God); thus, He reconciled (brought us back) to God through His death, and saved us by the pure, holy life He lives through His body, the church. Christians are awesomely blessed and provided for!
Romans 5:12-21 describes how Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrected life, ended sin’s reign through Adam’s transgression of disobedience to God so, as Christians, the life of Christ now works for, in, and through us, as described in 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, so His gift of Him living His clean, holy, pure life through us, so now we obey God and stop sinning, for everything Adam’s disobedience took out of us, Christ Jesus put back in us.
Romans 5 may seem generationally complicated because it first takes all our sins back before Adam, (Ephesians 1:3-14) and then forwardly takes all our sins to Jesus, the resurrected Christ, in the same way Joshua 3:13-17, and 4:15-18, does when the waters of the Jordan River backed up to “Adam” and then began flowing again, which is a wonderful word-picture of Christ Jesus delivering us from Adam’s sin, so we, as Christians enjoy our forgiven, clean, holy, pure life Christ lives through us, members of His body, the church, for Christianity is to be treasure and joyously lived. Christianity is a Person (Christ, the Head of His body, the church) and not a religion, denomination, fellowship, or organization, for Christianity is a “close, intimate, relationship” with Christ, the Head, and His body, the church worldwide.
Since we now understand what God, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit did for us in Romans 5, we are now able to appreciate, enjoy, and understand how blessed we are by knowing the truth of Romans 6. Sin is who Satan is, for the devil is sin’s father, and sin is what sent Jesus to the cross, and sin is what Jesus died and resurrected as the Christ, to forgive and remove from us, so why do we still disbelieve, disobey, and have disunity in His body, the church worldwide?
And why do we believe life without Christ Jesus is better than life with Christ Jesus, for experience has taught us, it is not? So, why do we not ask in humble, loving prayer for Christ Jesus to change us into His likeness, so we are clean, holy, and pure when He comes to mid-air to call His bride-body-church, to come up where He is, to be eternally with Him which, according to Scripture, appears to be very soon?
Jim Nabors