In 1 Samuel 9:27-10:9, the Prophet Samuel told Saul he would be king, but to wait seven days until He came to tell him what God’s plans were for him, and at that time he would offer the burnt offering to God, but in 1 Samuel 13:1-15, Saul’s obedient patience turned to fearful doubt; thus, Saul offered God the burnt sacrifice, because the Philistines were about to attack him and his army.
The words of 1 Samuel 13:7-18, after King Saul waited most of the seven days and Samuel had not come when Saul though he would, Saul became fearful Samuel would not come in time to offer the burnt sacrifice and peace offering, so as king, Saul offered what only Samuel was authorized by God to do, and it cost him the kingdom. The spirit of fear destroys many people.
This is an example of patient faith and trust in God becoming satanic fear and distrust, which we all must grow into by the things we suffer along the spiritual road of learning how a strong relationship with God, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit is done for our miracles.
The faith working through love (Galatians 5:6), it takes to believe God’s word, and place our total trust in the God whose word we believe, is probably the hardest part of Christianity, and this is why we are commanded in Hebrews 12:1-2, to ask our Lord Jesus to give us this faith, and why we are commanded in Jude 1:3, 20-23, to upgrade the faith which once for all was delivered to the saints, into most holy faith, working through God’s love, to accomplish miraculous faith and trust.
These verses in Jude 1:20-23 do not specifically say “praying in the Holy Spirit” is “praying in tongues” or praying in languages we have not learned, as was the case in Acts 2:1-4 and 5-13, but it invites that belief; therefore, whatever Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will do for, in, and through us should be received with praise, thanks, worship, and unwavering trust in our faithful God.
Yes, I know by experience, the more we believe God’s word and place all our faith and trust in the God whose word we believe, the more severe the satanic attacks become, until we ger enough of Satan, and start believing and obeying 1 John 5:18-21, because when we in Jesus’ name expel every idol that occupies our thinking so he comes between the Holy Spirit’s power, love, sound mind, and us, is satanic thinking, and our destroying idol.
Memorize Isaiah 26:2-4 and quote it to yourself as often as you need God to be your perfect peace, 2 Open the gates to all who are righteous; allow the faithful to enter. 3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You! 4 Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Whenever you become aware of your thoughts moving away from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit onto the problem, regardless of how serious the problem seems, then take a deep breath, and in Jesus’ name, ask God to refocus your faith and trust on Him and not on the problem, for at that moment the problem becomes your idol and the satanic forces have legal rights to attack you, but as 1 John 5:18-21 says, when we keep ourselves from idols, Satan, the devil, the wicked one cannot touch us, so always know, believe, and obey God and His word, for God expects His children to be free from satanic abuse, as we learn from John 8:31-36.
Christians usually do not recognize our thinking are idols, so we accept the satanic attacks on us, because we do not think we have sinned, but Romans 14:22-23 says, 22 You may believe there is nothing wrong with what you are doing but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who do not feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. 23 But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
The Holy Spirit warns us strongly when we are tempted to do what He tells us is wrong.
Jim, Kim, and Tim Nabors