By rereading Matthew 8:28-34, 9:18-28; Mark 5:1-43, 6:1-6, and Luke 8:26-56, we notice only two people were named in these stories: Jesus and Jairus, for “a certain man” is how we know “the demon-possessed man”; “Jairus’ dead, twelve-year old daughter”, or “little girl” is how we know her, and “the woman with the twelve-year issue of blood” is how we know her; thus, we understand by Scripture not giving each of these a name, it is understood each of these unnamed people represent each of us, for regardless of our importance or homelessness, we still need either to touch Jesus or have Jesus touch us, meaning it is essential for each human being to have an up-to-date, personal encounter with Jesus, for this is all that matters in this life and the life yet to come.
Every human being ever created, born alive and healthy, still born, aborted, or born with health problems, will live eternally, either unseparated from Jesus or with Satan in the lake of fire, for we all choose where we will spend eternity, with Jesus or with Satan.
Since only Jesus and Jairus were named, what does the titles, “a certain man”, “little girl”, “daughter”, offended, and offender, mean to us? For we all answer to one or more of these titles, and having one or more of these titles, should motivate us to change and become what Jesus created us to become.
Every detail of life: Who we are, female or male, and which title or titles we carry, we all need Jesus, for only Jesus is the answer to every detail of life, so give everything to Jesus, for He alone already is our answer to every problem we face, good or bad, and He alone already has a plan for this particular purpose, and only He has everything perfectly times to begin, how long to go, when it is to stop, and what the eternal outcome will be, so give everything in life to Jesus and trust Him.
We are all either someone’s daughter, son, mother, daddy, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, niece, nephew, grandmother, or granddaddy, meaning each of us in some way belong to someone, some family, regardless of which title or titles each family member is known by, and each of us will one day kneel before Jesus and give account to Him for the way we chose to live, as the one offended or the offender, who never let offense bother them, but forgave, or the offender that never asked for forgiveness.
Queen Jezebel, King Ahab’s wife, the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians, and he and his daughter Jezebel, served the idol-god Baal; worshiped him, and forced all those they ruled to serve and worship Baal, their idol-god, which is the same thing happening in America under the pride flag, and unless opposers strongly rise up against this ungodly woke idol-god, they will change the Constitution to force everyone to serve and worship their woke, idol-god; be heavily fined or serve excessively amounts of time in jail or prison. This reveals the amount of hatred these “woke” offenders have against God, Jesus, Jews, Christians, and freedom loving people. Yes, in Ohio these “woke, gay pride” people want it written in the Constitution in November, but a YES vote on Issue 1, August 8, will require a 60% vote in November to change the Constitution, rather than the now required 51% vote. A 60% vote will not make it impossible for them, but it will make it harder. But remember, God came as a Baby instead of the King Israel expected, and God may do things different than the way we think He will, so always rejoice, praise, and trust God to do it His way.
Elijah and Naboth strongly opposed Ahab and Jezebel, but it was King Jehu, in 2 Kings 9:10-22, who killed King Joram, Jezebel’s wicked, witchcraft son, who then in 2 Kings:9:30-33, had Queen Jezebel thrown out of an upstairs window, so his horse could trample her to death.
Mark 12:1-12 is a word-picture of God renting the world He created to the people He created, who were supposed to give Him tithes and offerings, in appreciation for His favorable kindness; however, the renters only loved and embezzled the rent money, refusing to give God, the Landlord what was His; thus, they killed everyone He sent to collect the rent, even His only Son, Jesus, so God, the Creator-Owner had them killed and rented His land to others He could trust. We are not owners of the universe, only renters, stewards, managers of what belongs to God (Luke 12:35-48).
Jim and Tim Nabors