
Go Home And Testify

We have been examining the factual and assumed stories of Jesus and Jairus’ dead daughter, Jesus, and the woman with the issue of blood, but today we plan to complete Mark 5:1-43, by including Jesus and the demon possessed man (but Matthew 8:28-29 says there were two demon-possessed man, probably because the satanic spirits all spoke through the leading demon), and again we will assume some things and be factual about what we know Scripture says. Studies show these three stories are in chronological order.

The demon possessed man had been chained to iron shackles around his arms and legs, for he was exceedingly strong and fiercely wild; therefore, he broke free of both the shackles and chains, fled to the unoccupied cemetery, and cut himself with sharp stones, probably to kill his tormented self. But when He saw Jesus, he immediately fell at His feet and worshiped Him, probably knowing here was his freedom to go back home, but the demonic ruler and spokesman began to beg Jesus for permission to remain in their satanic assigned region, and simply send them into the 2000 pigs, for most biblical translations say they begged Jesus not to send them into the bottomless pit or into the lake of fire that will be their eternal home.

But I want us to focus on Jesus granting the demon’s wish by sending them from the man into the hogs, but immediately as Jesus got back into the boat to go to the other side of the lake, the man He had set free begged Jesus to let him go with Him, but Jesus commanded him to GO HOME and preach his good news to the people in all the towns; thus, the new “preacher” preached Jesus all the way back home, (which we assume is where Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus, that if you touch Jesus, you will be healed, clean, sane, so you can GO HOME).

Jesus called Jairus’ dead daughter “Talitha, cumi” in the Chaldean language, which was “Little girl” when translated, and Jesus probably did this because she had been with her daddy for him to love, kiss, rock, hold in his arms, and supply every need she had, but now she was dead and no longer at home; therefore, when Jesus came into her room that was now her cemetery, and called her “little girl”, life came back into her and she was permitted to GO HOME, where her father, Jairus, and his wife could continue loving her.

Remember, in 2 Samuel 8:1-2, we used the account of King David’s soldiers placing the captured Moabite soldiers in a line and then taking every other man to form two other lines, so all in one line died and all in the other line lived, but in the case of the woman with the twelve-year issue of blood, God placed her in the “to live” line, so it did not matter how many people were shoving, touching, or thronging Jesus, for God had already ordered her steps to be in perfect line and timed so it was impossible for her to touch Jesus’ clothes and be healed, cleansed, and free from ever having to think about another monthly blood flow. God’s plans always come to fruition.

As soon as the woman with the twelve-year flow of blood touched Jesus’ clothes, healing power went out of Him and into her, so they both knew she was healed, and to show us Jesus already knew this would happen, He looked around “TO SEE HER who had done this thing”; therefore, we know Jesus, the Father, and Holy Spirit already had all this planned and perfectly timed, so the demon possessed man would preach the “Gospel” good news, to everyone he met on his way home from the cemetery, so this penny less, bleeding woman, could hear his testimony that motivated her faith to either touch Him or His clothes, but knowing if she touched Jesus, she would break the Jewish law, so she chose to touch His clothes, and no one would know she was illegal in the crowd, so secretly she could go to the priest with a sacrifice and be pronounced “clean”, but when she touched Jesus’ clothes, she was immediately healed and she had to reveal everything she thought, did, and how she was healed; thus, her illegal contact with Jesus went viral and everyone knew she could GO HOME, to again be loved by dad and mom and to love them the way she had longed to do for twelve years, but the Jewish law would not permit it, but now in Jesus, it would.

When these three helpless individuals, each with a different “hopeless” situation, gave their all to Jesus, He did for each of them what had already been planned, for God’s purpose, and timing, so now all Jesus had to do was continue obeying the Father by day, and getting new instructions from the Father by nights of prayer; thus, since Jesus did everything Father God assigned Him, a Bible full of hurting people’s lives were changed, and although our lives are not recorded in the Bible, we still belong to the only God there is, the God that still works miracles for those that believe the recorded miracles, of which include us. So, GO HOME by giving everything in this life to Father God, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, and let God love us, bless us, and provide for us, the way He longs to do for the children He loves so much, of whom He asks to listen to His guidance and obey what He tells us.

Jim and Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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