Our precious Lord Jesus lovingly but truthfully tells us, in John 13:31-35, the proof we are His disciples (students/learners), both wanting to know His ways and how to be like Him.
We are commanded, in Romans 13:8-10, to love others with the same love we have for ourselves; therefore, if we do harm of any kind: mental, physical, or spiritual, then we do not love, for genuine love fulfills the Old Testament Law, and opens to us New Testament grace and truth.
Galatians 5:1-15 is the Apostle Paul’s explanation between law and grace, for he uses “circumcision” to represent the entirety of OT law, and “love for others” to represent the entirety of grace; thus, when we refuse to genuinely and unconditional love others, without judging or condemning them, then we prove we are not living by grace or faith working through love, which means we must always with Holy Spirit love explain to disrupters their problem and how in Christ Jesus’ love, their lifestyle can be changed, the way 2 Corinthians 5:12-21 shows.
We are lovingly but truthfully warned in 1 Peter 3:1-12, if genuine, unconditional love is missing in the home, then nothing will go right for us, but when genuine, unconditional love rules the home, then our prayers get answers, and blessings are the normal way of life.
Again, in 1 Peter 4:7-11, we are told everything we think, speak, and do should be for God’s glory and honor, by us having fervent (love with feelings) that this Scripture says, “love will covers a multitude of sins”, but Proverbs 10:12 says, “love covers all sins”; therefore, as commanded, be very careful how we pray and how we think and speak, for everything about us must be by love.
But in 1 Peter 4:10, where it says, “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracle of God, the meaning is, “let him speak the Scriptures”, for the Scriptures are the “voice of God”.
Before we go any further, let me establish, from 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, that Christ is God’s wisdom, righteousness, sanctification (holiness) , and redemption; therefore, whenever Scripture says, “our redemption is coming”, the meaning is, “Christ is coming”.
However, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 says, Christ will not come for His bride-body-church, until the falling away comes first and then the revealing of the man of sin, which will not happen until the timing is right; thus, in all we have scripturally learned up to this point, it seems obvious, “the falling away” is the “refusal to love others in the same unconditional way Christ loves His church”, for there is continuous assaults, murder, road rage, malicious verbal attacks in the home, church, business, schools, and government; everybody hating everybody, and letting it be known both in words and printed in social media.
Therefore, if the world has removed faith working through love, then “the falling away” has come, and the only thing keeping Christ from coming for His bride-body-church, is the revealing of the man of sin, that will be revealed in his time.
In agreement with the absence of faith working through love being the reason for “the falling away”, then we fully understand why 1 John 3:10-15 says, fervent love is a necessity: not a lust.
But 1 John 4:7-21 teaches us by loving others, the perfect love God is, is perfected or comes to completion in us; therefore, genuine, holy, and pure love keeps us anchored in God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit, so we are not part of the falling away in these last hours before Christ comes for His bride-body-church; thus, it proves God’s love in us is an absolute necessity.
This is why Colossians 3:12-17 says, “But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection”, so obviously love is the same as the bond of a handshake, for in my childhood when two men shook hands about an agreement, it meant “their word was their bond, their legal and binding guarantee”, and God says, our love for others is that same legal and binding guarantee.
This is why Colossians 3:12-17 says, “But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection”, so obviously love is the same as the bond of a handshake, for in my childhood when two men shook hands about an agreement, it meant “their word was their bond, their legal and binding guarantee”, and God says, our love for others is that same legal and binding guarantee.
God’s children are humbly grateful, forgiven, and forgiving; Satan’s children are grumble hateful, forgiven (Luke 23:34), but unforgiving (Mark 11:25-26).
So, ask Lord Jesus to take out of you all the world’s anger, hate, criticism, unforgiving, and all that causes separation between you and everyone God created, and replace it with His perfect, pure love for His glory and honor, so people will see the love you have for God and them, and want it.
Jim and Tim Nabors