
The Perfect Title Of A Humble Origin

Our Lofty “Title”, His Humble “Title” – Written Wednesday October 20, 2021, by Tim Nabors

In our human lives we love and long for “Titles”. We long to see letters in front of our names or behind our names. We work so hard for these letters. Somehow, we feel a Title is a place of honor, love, and acceptance. We believe it somehow says who we are and how we are defined by others.

In our occupation we long for the highest title we can receive. We work so hard for these lofty titles feeling the need to belong and feel accepted. It says who you are by what you do. We feel we get our worth and self-esteem from the title of our occupation. If only I could achieve this title or that title, I would feel better about who I am. I could afford this or that. If I had the education or experience, I could be this.

In our education we look at how far we have gone with our education to show how much we know. It shows how much work we have put into the title “education”. The post-nominal letters we place at the end of our names shows we made something of ourselves. We want others to see us as a person of status and knowledge. It shows we as individuals hold a position, academic degree, accreditation, office of military decoration, or honor, or is a member of a religious institute.

In the body of Christ, we also look for titles. We may take a position for the title and status of it. We long for the recognition, status, and achievement that a title gives us. To feel we belong and to be part of something greater than ourselves. To be accepted and loved because of the title we hold. In our lives we love titles, and we feel it is what defines us. It says who we are. It says what we have accomplished. It says, from where we have come. It says how hard we have worked. Our titles in a sense show other our blood, sweat and tears about our lives. It tells others our status, our achievements, our accomplishments, our esteem, our belonging, our armor, our self-worth, and our place in this world.

In our daily lives we want to have certain titles. For men we want to someday be a “husband”, “father”, “brother”, “uncle” and so on. Women want to be a “wife”, “mother”, “sister”, “aunt” and so on. We love the titles and what they mean. We are always looking for a new and bigger title that will get us something more. For our best efforts to give us greater worth and acceptance.

Jesus came to this earth as a baby wrapped in snugly strips of cloth (Luke 2:7). He grew in stature and became a Man. As Jesus, He could have demanded to be called. Messiah, King of Kings, Lord, Savior, the Christ, or any of the other great names that so adequately describe His divine character. He could have asked us to use His education status (all knowing), His employment status (all powerful), or His ministry status (all presence). Luke called Him, “Lord”, Peter called Him, “The Messiah”, John called Him the “Word of God”, Isaiah says He’s the “Everlasting Father”, after His Resurrection He’s the “Christ”, Hebrews says, He’s the “Great High Priest”. He was called, “Friend”, “Savior”, “Teacher”, the great “I Am”, “Immanuel”, “Jehovah”, “King of kings and Lord of lords”, “King of the Jews”, “Lamb of God”, “Light of the World”, “Only Begotten Son”, “Savior”, and so many more.

Jesus simply gave Himself the title of a humble origin. The title without pride, arrogance, no great honor, or prestige. He humbly gave Himself the title “Son of Man”, a male child. The King of kings gave Himself the title of a Child. How amazing is it that the One who deserves all glory, honor and praise; the I AM says, “I am the Child”. Mark 9:37 says, “Anyone who welcomes a little Child like this one on my behalf welcomes Me and anyone who welcomes Me welcomes not only Me but also my Father who sent Me.” Mark 10:14 says, “Let the children come to Me, don’t stop them. For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.”

The humble title of a child. We are to come to Him with childlike faith. The innocence of a child, the belief of a child, the trust of a child, the respect of a child, the care and concern of a child, the integrity of a child, the heartfelt compassion of a child, the tender heart of a child, the ability to give to others like a child and the overwhelming longing to be loved. What a perfect title “the overwhelming longing to be loved”. The innocent Child, the One to believe in, the One to trust, the One who deserves utmost respect, the One who cares deeply, the One of integrity, the One to show the greatest compassion, the most tender-hearted, the giver of Himself, and Perfect Love Himself, is the One to give Love and be Loved. Yes, that is our Lord Jesus, the Christ.

In Isaiah 11:6 he says, “A child shall lead them”. This wonderful Child came to this world to change the course of history. He literally changed the world for all time. Time was divided because of Him (BC and AD). His death tore down the dividing curtain to the Holy of Holies. This Child opened the way for us to enter the most Holy place. To call upon the name of the Lord. We no longer need the priest; He became our great “High Priest”. The humility of Jesus changed everything. We don’t need to continue to look for titles and look at ways to humbly love others.

Stop looking for selfish gain and look to the humblest. Stop chasing the education status, occupation status, personal status, the church status. Solomon calls it all “meaningless”. There is nothing wrong with education, occupation, personal and church status but in the end, it gains you nothing. What matters the most is the intimate relationship we have with the “Son of Man”. Luke 21:27 says, “Then everyone will see the “Son of Man” coming on a cloud with Power and great Glory.” In Daniel he saw the vision of what appeared to be the “Son of Man”. In Revelation 14:14 John saw in a vision what appeared to be the “Son of Man”. The “Son of Man” is coming back to receive His family, Are you ready?

Chaplain Tim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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