This message explains whose eyes we see through makes everything either true or false, for only God, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit both sees and knows every detail about everything; therefore, we must see everything through His eyes if we want pure truth.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 allows us the understand the difference of seeing every detail of life either through God’s eyes or through our eyes, for God sees everything as part of His predetermined plan, purpose, and timing; however, we see everything as either part of God’s blessing or Satan’s attack.
Before time ever began, Father God, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, meticulously planned, with specific purpose, and a preset time for each planned purpose to begin and end, yet God sometimes tells humans His plan, purpose, and timing, but never in understandable details, as we learn to trust God by what Jesus said in John 16:16-28.
Therefore, since God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit, only discloses spiritual and physical facts He predetermined for us to know, at His predetermined time for us to receive this information, then it is essential for us to place all our faith and trust in God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit, as we learn from Hebrews 11:4-7, Mark 11:20-24, Galatians 5:1-6, and Romans 14:14-23, because only genuine faith pleases God, and genuine faith only works through love; therefore, from 1 Corinthians 12:1-2, 8, and 13, faith without love is nothing— nonexistent.
But remember, God works in agreement with His plan, purpose, and timing; thus, we ask and then we totally surrender it to God to do according to His will and not according to our will, purpose, and timing.
I trust you understand, in Galatians 5:1-6, the Apostle Paul is using “circumcision” to illustrate the entirety of the Old Testament Law, for when we “attempt to be justified” or set free from our sins by obeying the Old Testament Law, we willingly and stubbornly separate ourselves from Christ, by falling from or refusing the grace and truth John 1:17 says, “Came through Jesus Christ”.
Romans 14:14-23 explains how the “Law of Love” is a continuous blessing to us; whereas, the “Old Testament Law of works” separates us from God and people, for when we allow the “Law of Love” to control our thinking, speech, and actions, everything we do is “from faith” instead of “from sin”, as we see in 1Corinthians 13:1-2, 8, and 13, for every detail of our life is either done from faith in God or from doubtful sin.
We have attempted to show these scriptural truths through God’s eyes, as the way He sees things, instead of through human eyes, so we know to completely and fully place all our faith and trust in the God whose word we believe and obey, so we never attempt to “force or manipulate” God into doing things our way, by our plan, for our purpose, and at our timing, for God predetermined every detail of life, in every generation, before creating anything; therefore, every detail of life was already planned, and timed, with purpose, long before time ever began or anything was created, so everything is safe and sure in God’s plan, purpose, and timing, and there is nothing we can do but give everything to Him and trust it all to Him, and when we do this, Isaiah 26:3 says, “He will keep us in “perfect peace”, for our minds are always on Him, because we trust Him.
What we get out of life depends on whose eyes we see life through, God’s our ours.
Jim Nabors