We who grew up in free America, with liberty and justice for all, where “a man’s word was his bond”; all that was required to exchange valuables between people, was their word and a handshake, but the deceptive America of our children and grandchildren, is far different.
This is no longer free America but a global controlled order of lies until enough people believe and accept the deception as truth, for their thinking must first be reversed and retrained.
People no longer run for governmental offices to move America forward in God’s sacred plan, but to establish their own financial agenda and selfish ideology—”how I can profit from this”.
No, the older Bible-loving, praying, helped people, be honest, truthful, and forgiving, do not understand how or even why people want to listen to Satan, believe his lies, hate people so much, world control our world; annihilation is their god or idol, for it possesses their entire existence.
Yet, this became Satan’s life when “iniquity was found in him” (Ezekiel 28:14-17); it totally possesses him, and he cannot be satisfied until all creation becomes as he is, but Jesus came to earth in the form of man to destroy Satan’s works (Revelation 12:9; 20:1-3; 1 John 3:4-10).
For almost 6,000 years Satan has tried everything he could to eliminate Jesus, so his works would flourish and not be destroyed. Satan tried it at Jesus’ birth, at His crucifixion, and he will try it again after Christ Jesus’ 1,000-year reign from King David’s throne in Jerusalem, Israel, but he fails again (Psalm 2:1-5; Revelation 20:4-10), and this time is cast into the lake of fire.
Jesus says, in Matthew 25:41, the lake of fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, so all who listen to, believe, and obey the devil’s (Satan’s) lies, will also be in the lake of eternal fire with all his wicked followers, but is this what wise, sane people really want?
Christianity may be self-emptying, humbling, believing God’s word, obeying God and His word, loving others enough to help with their needs, tithing, praying, and giving God total control of our entire being, but the end-result (John 14:1-3), will make the preparation glorious (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
So, we ask our self if the temporary things of earth that will pass away when fire destroys the earth (Luke 12:49; 2 Peter 3:1-13), are as valuable as Satan makes them appear, or is eternal life with Jesus Christ more valuable than the world and everything in it! But do not worry about the fire destroying the earth, for in Daniel 3:8-25, we know the fire only destroyed the ropes that bound Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Adeb-Nego (Azariah), and God will protect His creation, when He renovates the earth, so trust everything to His plan and will.
Therefore, our choices to believe and trust God not only matter, but they also have eternal consequences, so choose wisely, for all eternity awaits our wise or foolish choices, and the lifestyle those choices create for us.
Jim Nabors