
Chaos Is Coming!

Soon earthly chaos will reach its peak, a falling away will happen, the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17), will be revealed, but not in his true character, and then Christ will come to midair and call His bride-wife, His church, to meet Him in the air.

Then, through pleasing self-deception (flattery), the man of sin will usurp kind and caring world authority for 3½ years, with world economy exploding, but at the end of the first 3½ years, one of his7 heads will be wounded but he lives (Revelation 13:1-10), and a vice world ruler will arise (Revelation 13:11-18), and elevate as god the first beast (man of sin), causing all to worship him and take the number of his mark on their hand, forehead, or die.

Then heaven will erupt into war (Revelation 12:1-17), God’s angels totaling two-thirds, fighting against Satan’s demonic forces totaling one third (deceptive stupidity thinks 1/3 can win against 2/3—Luke 14:25-33); thus, Satan loses and is cast out of heaven, so he makes war with God’s wife (Israel), but the earth helps Israel (Revelation 12:15-17), “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”, while the saints in heaven will be ecstatic in their rejoicing (Revelation 12:11-12), so never fear, God always has everything totally under control—always.

Coronavirus was just the beginning of the world’s great sorrows (Matthew 24), but most of these details are already written in God’s Book of Plans—the Bible, the Scriptures—so read, believe, enjoy, choose to be on God’s side, and then trust it all to Him.

Yes, things will become much worse than this world has ever faced (Daniel 12:1-2), but God and His people win over Satan and his wicked forces; therefore, when Christians say, “I have read the Bible, and we win”, they have God’s “forever settled in heaven word” (Psalm 119:89) to back up what they are saying.

We cannot know or understand the Bible until we know and understand God, but we cannot know and understand God until we know and understand the Bible—a paradox: what is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense, yet is true—because God and His word, the Bible, the Scriptures, are inseparable (John 1:1-4, 14), for Jesus was God and God’s Living Word, the Holy Spirit placed into the womb of Mary, because Jesus, in John 6:63, the Holy Spirit gives life; therefore, His words are spirit and life, for He is God’s Voice, His Word.

Jesus, in John 10:22-30, says His sheep (Christians, members of His body, the church) hear His voice (for they know His voice), He knows His sheep, and His sheep follow Him, for He gives them eternal life (1 John 5:11-13), and as long as Christians (Christ’s sheep, members of His body) remain in Him and Him in us, nothing can separate us, but when we choose to go our way, do our will, and live as we so choose, we separate ourselves from God, by separating ourselves from Christ Jesus, and from the Holy Spirit, so be sure of the consequences before turning away from God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, “because God will be a necessity in what is yet to come”, so choose wisely.

This is not about animal views, who is in a special house, face covering, or injections; it is about being right with Him who created, owns, and controls every minute detail or everything He created, yet still loves and desires all His creation to submit to His will and serve Him, simply because we love Him, for He plans to cover the earth with His presence (Habakkuk 2:14), so expect it, prepare for it, and be part of it, or regret it.

Jim Nabors

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Jim Nabors

Jim has been a pastor and mentor for over 50 years.  He has a passion for The Great Commission and theology.  He resides in Ohio with his wife Gayle. 
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